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It may be a flow problem or a pressure problem.

Flow is the amount of water (in m³ or litres) that flows from your tap during a given time (per second, per hour). The longer it takes to fill a container (a sink, a bucket, …), the lower the flow.

Pressure is a force exerted by water on a surface. To check if you have pressure, try stopping the water supply by plugging the tap with your finger. The easier it is, the less pressure there is. In drinking water distribution networks, pressure is usually measured in bar.


Do you notice a lack of flow?


Open the tap after the VIVAQUA meter and check the flow there. If everything seems normal, the problem is likely to come from your private installation (tap filter clogged with limescale for example). In this case, we advise you to contact a plumber. If you notice a lack of flow at the tap after your meter, please contact our technical service (02 739 52 11 – 24 hours a day, seven days a week)


Do you notice a drop in pressure?


A lack of pressure is often temporary, due to works on the distribution network for example. Start by checking all your taps. If you notice a drop in pressure at only one tap, the problem is likely to come from your private installation (blocked pipe for example). If you notice a drop in pressure everywhere, check at your neighbours to see if they are having the same problem. In this case, please contact our technical service (02 739 52 11 – 24 hours a day, seven days a week).

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