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Frequent asked questions

  • No. Rainwater is not drinkable and is not even reliable for regular personal hygiene.


    Because rainwater is polluted by that which is present in the atmosphere:

    • significant concentration of lead
    • concentration of car exhaust gases that are not fully burned
    • SO2 (sulphur dioxide)
    • fumes from the waste incinerator and chemical plant chimneys, etc.

    In addition, rainwater runs over roofs covered in dust and soiled by birds. After a few months, the tank is a veritable breeding ground for microbes.


    When can rainwater be used?

    It can be suitable for certain domestic uses: cleaning, washing, rinsing toilets, watering the garden, etc.

    If you want to install a rainwater system in your home, make perfectly sure that it is completely and permanently separated from the drinking water system to avoid contaminating the latter.

    Contact your water company for technical information. It should also be noted that the installation of a rainwater recovery system remains a significant investment which cannot always be recovered financially.

    • Enemy number one: leaks. They can represent about 20% of your total consumption. How do you detect a possible leak? Read you water meter before you leave your house for a while or in the evening before you go to bed. If the reading has changed when you return or the next morning (and you haven’t run the (dish)washer), it means there is a problem and you should look for a dripping tap or leaks …
    • Turn off the taps properly! A dripping tap represents a loss of five litres a day. Often you just have to replace the broken rubber seal. If it turns out that the seal is not the problem, you will have to install a completely new tap.
    • Take a shower (consumption: about 50 litres) rather than a bath (consumption: about 150 litres).
    • Run the dishwasher or washing machine only when it’s fully loaded.
    • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
    • Choose a flush tank with an economy button, which uses two to three times less water than a traditional tank.
    • If possible, use rainwater to wash your car and water your garden. When should you water? It depends on the season. In the summer it is best to do this in the evening, because during the day the water evaporates faster due to the heat. In autumn and spring it is better to water the plants in the morning.
  • As a result of plumbing work carried out on private pipes, it is possible that a third party has made a mistake and that your meter records not only your consumption but also that of your neighbour.

    Some malicious people may also connect their water pipes to your meter in order to avoid paying for their own consumption.

    A VIVAQUA employee has to come and check on site. To make an appointment, contact 02 518 88 10 or fill in our contact form.

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